News Flash June 2020

We are pleased to provide you with the June 2020 issue of ARNEC Newsflash. This issue covers what ARNEC has been busy with in the last quarter covering initiatives for young children and their families at a time when the region faced head-on the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coming soon are special editions of ARNEC News Flash on the harvest of diverse country cases on ECD initiatives from ARNEC's webinar series on young children amidst COVID-19, plus the results of the ARNEC survey on the conditions of young children and status of ECD services in the region during the pandemic.

Visit the ARNEC website and follow us in FB (@arnec) and Twitter (@ARNECnet) for more ECD advocacies in the region.

Type of document : Creative collaterals

Country : Region

Year of publication : 2020