General information about ECCD in Bangladesh
Beginning in 1991, ECCD was referenced within policy documents including the National Plans of Action for Education for All (NPA-I and II). The Comprehensive Policy ECCD which was approved by the government in 2013 more prominently recognizes ECCD’s role in benefiting children’s development regardless of their backgrounds.
The term ECCD is generally used in Bangladesh to denote preprimary education for children between 3 and 5 years of age. The importance of school preparedness is demonstrated through the government’s integration of one-year pre-primary education for children age 5+ within the primary education system (specified in the National Education Policy 2010) and reiterated in the National Children Policy 2011. Preprimary providers include center-based school-readiness focused preschools and more play-based centered community- and home-based programs such as daycares and playgroups.
Similar to Nepal, Bangladesh has made steady and significant progress in reducing its rates of under-five and maternal mortality even though more investments in maternal and child health can result in greater progress.
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs. The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education leads on pre-primary education. Other key ministries involved in ECCD include the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Social Welfare, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs and ICT Division.
1. Cascade model to serve hard-to-reach communities Implemented by Early Childhood Development Support Program-Bangladesh or ECDSP-B)
2. Integrated ECCD for children and families (Implemented by Dhaka Ahsania Mission)
3. Improve children’s school readiness through parent education (Implemented by Bangladesh Shishu Academy or BSA)
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