When : 1st March 2022
|Time : 11:05pm - 9:30pm
|Moderator :
|Advocacy :
[Webinar] Register now!
Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) and Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN) invite you to the webinar series on “Accelerating Better Early Childhood Development (ECD) outcomes in Africa and Asia-Pacific regions through strengthened governance mechanisms”.
The first webinar focusing on the results of mapping study on governance and coordination mechanisms for ECD in the Africa region was completed in December 2021 with more than 100 participants from both regions.
The second webinar will be held on 24th March 2022. The purpose of this webinar is to understand the nature of multi-sectoral governance structures which are supporting ECD service delivery across countries in the Asia-Pacific and Africa region.
Click here for a copy of the concept note. More information on the panelists can be found on: https://us10.campaign-archive.com/?u=bd0894fcc8781bc7016abf710&id=f328314635
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