ARNEC, UBS Optimus Foundation launch responsive caregiving project with country-level support in Indonesia, Philippines

ARNEC, UBS Optimus Foundation launch responsive caregiving project with country-level support in Indonesia, Philippines

Published on : 28 Aug 2024

Advocacy : Responsive Caregiving and Playful Parenting

Organisation : ARNEC

ARNEC conference calls for investment for young children for climate resilience, sustainable development

Penang opened its doors to more than 500 participants from 48 countries for the 2024 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development (ECD), May 28-30, focusing on investing in ECD to build resilience and boost sustainable development.

Published on : 04 Jun 2024

Advocacy : ECD Governance, Policy, and Financing

Organisation : ARNEC

2024 ARNEC Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development

Register for the 2024 ARNEC Regional ECD Conference now!

Published on : 08 Feb 2024

Advocacy :

Organisation : Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood

Asia-Pacific Early Childhood Care and Education: Teacher Training Handbook for Social and Emotional Learning (APETT-SEL) Training of Trainers. November 2023

APETT-SEL Training of Trainers was held in Singapore on November 21 to 24, 2023

Published on : 06 Dec 2023

Advocacy : Early Childhood Workforce

Organisation : ARNEC

United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child publishes General Comment No. 26

The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) has just published General Comment No. 26 on children's rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change.

Published on : 29 Aug 2023

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : UNCRC

ARNEC harvests insights, good practices from Learning Forum

The ARNEC Learning Forum in Cebu, Philippines on 9-11 August 2023 ended with cross-country sharing of context-responsive programs promoting multisectoral approaches to ECD; playful parenting and responsive caregiving, ECD and climate resilience; and ECD workforce and social and emotional learning, among others, in the Asia-Pacific region.

Published on : 21 Aug 2023

Advocacy : ECD Governance, Policy, and Financing

Organisation : Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood

ARNEC, partners host learning forum in the Philippines

ARNEC held its first ever face-to-face learning forum post-pandemic in Cebu, Philippines on 9-11 August 2023.

Published on : 18 Aug 2023

Advocacy : ECD Governance, Policy, and Financing

Organisation : Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood

The Straits Times’ OpEd on 24 June – Tiny Lungs, Hefty Price

Our most vulnerable are also our most valuable. ARNEC was mentioned in The Straits Times’ OpEd on 24 JuneTiny Lungs, Hefty Price: Air pollution’s unequal burden on young children.



Published on : 04 Jul 2023

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood

UNICEF shares resources on young children facing multiple crises

The UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office has released two resources on young children, particularly supporting early learning and development beyond the pandemic and addressing environmental shocks and hazards that worsen inequality among children.

Published on : 28 Jun 2023

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : UNICEF EAPRO

Asia-Pacific Early Childhood Care and Education: Teacher Training Handbook for Social and Emotional Learning (APETT-SEL)

UNESCO Bangkok with the financial support from the Government of Japan implemented the

Published on : 17 May 2023

Advocacy : Opportunity for Early Learning

Organisation : UNESCO