Ensuring Quality Early Childhood Education for Refugee Children: A New Approach to Teacher Professional Development

The report highlights how the provision of ECE for refugees is extremely limited in many settings and poorly funded. This is despite the strong evidence base on the impact quality ECE can have to help children manage their trauma and support their short-term and long-term wellbeing and development. Through an extensive literature review and several consultations with experts and practitioners, it examines the landscape of ECE in refugee settings, focusing on professional development available for ECE teachers.

The report provides a roadmap for how we can improve support and professional development to ECE teachers in refugee contexts, with four key avenues:

1 - Make the science of ECD and Learning more accessible

2 - Partner with TVET institutions in refugee settings

3 - Support establishment of communities of practice to foster collaboration and exchange between teachers and practitioners

4 - Translate learning from local communities into broader evidence and resources through a hub or learning lab system.

Please visit https://theirworld.org/resources/detail/supporting-early-childhood-education-teachers-in-refugee-settings for more information.

See a recording of The Key series event on the topic here: https://theirworld.org/news/key-series-live-supporting-early-learning-teachers-refugee-children



Type of document : Reports

Country : Region

Year of publication : 2021

Advocacy : Equity and Inclusion

Publisher :