Promoting Men’s Engagement in Early Childhood Development: A Programming and Influencing Package

Promoting Men’s Engagement in Early Childhood Development: A Programming and Influencing Package includes resources developed for programmes that aim to increase male engagement in nurturing care and early childhood development (ECD), as well as in maternal health and wellbeing. Guidance is provided on how to work with men directly to promote their involvement in the nurturing care, learning and education of their young children. Considerations for working with healthcare providers and community health workers and with communities and leaders is included, as well as tools and templates on policy influencing and social and behaviour change communication campaigns in favour of men’s engagement.

The document is part of Plan International’s commitment to gender transformative Early Childhood Development work. For more information about the package, click this link: To find out about training opportunities to support men’s engagement in ECD, please contact Plan International at

Type of document : Reports

Country : Region

Year of publication : 2021

Advocacy : Equity and Inclusion

Publisher :