Dora, Nieto, Park, Yousafzai keynote videos available

ARNEC makes available the full keynote presentation of Drs. Carlos Dora, Ana Maria Nieto, Kidong Park, and Aisha Yousafzai. All four experts were plenary speakers during the Asia-Pacific Regional ECD Conference in December last year.

Dr. Carlos Dora presented the role of policies and partnerships in transforming the physical environment that shapes young children’s health and development.

Dr. Ana Maria Nieto spoke about the power of play in building the resilience among children and their families and communities in the context of climate change.

Dr. Park Kidong, on the other hand, focused on clean air for children’s health.

Finally, Dr. Aisha Yousafzai presented the need for ensuring a nurturing care environment for

young children in the context of climate change.

Visit ARNEC's youtube channel and click on the "ARNEC Conference 2019 Playlist" for the full videos of the four speakers.

Type of document : Multimedia (e.g. Videos, Presentations)

Country : Region

Year of publication : 2020