Asia Pacific Regional ECD Conference 2019, Hanoi Viet Nam, Dec 4-6. Concurrent Paper Presentations

Ha Noi hosted 600 guests from around the world for the 2019 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Early Childhood Development (ECD), December 4-6, 2019, focusing on the need for nurturing, sustainable environments for young children. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam opened the regional conference citing the importance of ECD to Vietnam and the rest of the world.

The 2019 regional conference challenged all to work across sectors to promote nurturing and sustainable environments for young children. The Ha Noi conference gathered members of parliament and ministers, government officials, experts, practitioners, academics, and advocates to raise awareness of the threats young children face and how these should be addressed.

Over the course of 3 days, 41 papers were presented by development partners, INGO, government officials, academia, addressing the threats found within each of these current and future environments and answering the question on how multi-sectoral programe and policies can bring about safe, sustainbale and stimulating environments that allow all young children, especially the most marginalised , to thrive.

The presentations of the concurrent paper sessions are now available online.

CLICK HERE to access the presentations.


Type of document : Annual Reports

Country : Region

Year of publication : 2020