In Viet Nam, the Ministry of Education and Training is the lead line ministry to coordinate all ECCD services. In implementation, public preschools for children 3-5 years old are linked to other service sectors, including health, nutrition, social protection. Child protection, for instance, has linkages with sectors of health, nutrition, and education.
Early Learning Development Standards is available to children of age 5 and over 95% of ECCE teachers are trained. There is also a concerted effort via a national ECCD project 2006-2015 to enhance support to disadvantaged children, including construction of kindergartens in difficult areas and ethnic-minority areas.
Improvements in health and nutrition indicators have been made, including DPT3 vaccination coverage and stunting rates, through combined early nutrition supplementation and preschool multi-stage interventions. However, gaps remain as children are less likely to have birth registrations if they reside in remote mountainous areas. Children in rural areas also have higher under-5 mortality rates than those in urban areas.
Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) oversees the coordination of ECD programs across ministries. Other ministries implementing ECD include the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), Ministry of Health, Committee for Population, Family and Children responsible for overall child-focused policy, and the Viet Nam Women’s Union which is responsible for parent education.
1. Action research on mother-tongue based bilingual education (MTBBE) for ethnic minority children
Noteworthy aspects:
2. Parenting education through Community Learning Centres (CLCs)
Noteworthy aspects:
3. Pilot project to impact ethnic poor in remote communities
Noteworthy practices:
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