Diverse entry points for playful parenting programs: Learning from evidence-based design, delivery, and scale in Australia, Bhutan, and India

  • When : 31st July 2023

  • Time : 1:30pm - 3:00pm

  • Moderator :

  • Advocacy : Responsive Caregiving and Playful Parenting

  • Panelists :


Cases and experiences of Plan Australia, Save the Children and the Ministry of Health in Bhutan, and Mobile Creches India will be presented, with a learning response from ITA Pakistan. The University of Wollongong will help facilitate the webinar discussions.

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Learning questions

The case presentations will be guided by the following learning questions:

  1.  Baseline conditions: What did your program do better or differently to address baseline conditions or introduce desirable change in your context? What was your entry point for change and what is the role of playful parenting?
  2.  Program design and delivery: What are the objectives of your program and how is playful parenting integrated in the design and delivery? What are the program delivery arrangements like? What is the role of government policy, if any? What is the financing strategy or approach
  3.  How do you conceptualize play and how is play linked to the program objectives? Is there an evidence base that you rely on to link play to activities within the program? Have you relied on a specific theory of play in developing your approach?
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About the event

The webinar aims to draw insights and learn from good practices in program design and delivery, including strategies for scale and sustainability for ECD programs with playful parenting component, with emphasis on collecting evidence and evaluating the programs accordingly. Cases and experiences of Plan Australia, Save the Children and the Ministry of Health in Bhutan, and Mobile Creches India will be presented, with a learning response from ITA Pakistan. The University of Wollongong will help facilitate the webinar discussions.



    Click here to download the presentations 



    The objective of the webinar is to draw insights and learn from good practices in program design and delivery, including strategies for scale and sustainability for ECD programs with playful parenting component, with emphasis on collecting evidence and evaluating the programs accordingly.