When : 25th May 2022
|Time : 11:00pm - 9:30pm
|Moderator :
|Advocacy :
Evidence clearly shows the impact of early childhood workforce quality on young children’s learning and development outcomes. However, lack of professionals in this field (particularly in the low-middle income countries), lack of formal recognition, inadequate trainings and the absence of concrete standards in terms of qualifications, remunerations, and certification for the workforce, are among the critical areas of concern for ensuring good quality ECCE across the Asia-Pacific region.
At the regional level, there is a need to invest in the ECCE workforce through adopting a range of initiatives -- e.g., recruitment of sufficient workforce, professionalizing the workforce, providing continuous professional development opportunities, conducting needs assessment of the capacity of different stakeholders for implementing ECCE services and supporting the development of regulatory mechanisms/guidelines for training institutes.
Building on this urgent need to support and invest in early childhood workforce in the region, the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC), being a part of global initiative i.e. Early Childhood Workforce Initiative, understands the significance to fa cilitate regional level dialogues among different stakeholders for making it a priority so that it leads to strengthening the early childhood workforce in the region.
This webinar aims to focus on understanding the current opportunities and challenges that we may need to address at the regional level, as we work towards this issue, while also sharing the key strategies/initiatives that may support the strengthening of early childhood workforce in the region.
The objectives of this session are
To present the status of early childhood workforce in the region and identify the priority issues;
To get familiar with a range of initiatives and tools for supporting early childhood workforce development in the region; and
To brainstorm on the way forward for supporting early childhood workforce in the region.
What actually is climate change? What does mitigation and adaptation mean? What is the Paris Agreement? And how are these all connected to young children?
Entitled “Demystifying climate change and its relationship with Early Childhood Development”, this webinar is a follow up from the February launch webinar, Putting Young Children at the Center of Environmental and Climate Change Actions, which kickstarted ARNEC, UNICEF EAPRO and Save the Children’s Asia-Pacific regional initiative around advocating for young children’s rights to clean, safe and sustainable environments, focused on climate change and environmental degradation
With a huge amount of information out there, getting to grips with the basics of climate change, let alone understanding its linkage with the ECD sector, can be overwhelming.
This webinar aims to support these knowledge gaps. A climate change expert will help to ‘demystify’ both the basic concepts of climate change, as well as the processes like the UNFCCC, Conference of Parties (CoPs) and relevant frameworks like the Paris Agreement, 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for DRR. We will then explore how ECD can be a solution to address climate change and contribute towards sustainable development.
The objectives of this webinar are as follows:
Introduce basic concepts of climate change, the UNFCC process and other frameworks and relevant terms for the ECD sector
Reform the narrative to show how ECD has already been practicing sustainable development
We hope that participants leave feeling more knowledgeable on climate change and understand how ECD is part of the solution to support sustainable development and empowered to support this collaborative initiative.