ARNEC Resources

ARNEC Resources contains a wealth of documents pertaining to various programmes. This space will keep on growing. Browse through the library to access key publications.
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Demystifying climate change and its relationship with Early Childhood Development

What actually is climate change? What does mitigation and adaptation mean? What is the Paris Agreement?

ARNEC, UNICEF, Save the Children: Young children at the center of environmental and climate change actions

Regional, global networks: Build coalition, movement for ECD and climate resilience

The climate crisis is a child’s rights crisis at its core. Protecting the youngest children across the globe is integral to the climate crisis response.

Protect the young children in Pakistan from the impact of massive flooding

The Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC) expresses deep concern over the devastating impact of the flooding and unfolding humanitaria

East Asia Pacific Early Childhood Development Scales Country briefs - Mongolia