Asia-Pacific Early Childhood Care and Education: Teacher Training Handbook for Social and Emotional Learning (APETT-SEL)

  • Advocacy : Opportunity for Early Learning

UNESCO Bangkok has released its Asia-Pacific ECCE Teacher Training Handbook for Social and Emotional Learning and its accompanying Modules. The said handbook provides comprehensive training modules to build the capacity of pre-primary and early primary teachers. Click here to download the handbook.

Цілодобові гроші в інтернеті, кредит 24/7 онлайн на картку оформляється буквально в кілька кліків. Швидко та просто.

UNESCO Bangkok with the financial support from the Government of Japan implemented the “Empowering ECCE Teachers with a Transformative Vision of Education” project, which aimed to support Member States in Asia and the Pacific to equip their early childhood care and education (ECCE) teachers with SEL knowledge and skills, increase their understanding and knowledge about SEL concepts and principles and able to integrate SEL concepts and principles into the curricula and teaching practices, as well as for Member states to support the integration of SEL into education systems in their respective countries and educational institutions.

Кілька років тому швидкі кредити пропонували лише банки, але вже сьогодні позики онлайн пропонують ломбарди і МФО. Останні особливо вигідні.

In case you missed the ARNEC webinar on the launch of the handbook, watch the recording here: