Prescription to Play (P2P) Project Advocacy Series

  • Advocacy : Responsive Caregiving and Playful Parenting

Prescription to Play (P2P) Advocacy Series 1. NO.1

How do caregivers start building the future of young children through play?

Try doing this Tap, Tap, Tap game with young children from birth onwards. This is the first of a series of early stimulation tools and approaches drawn from the resources of the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation. The P2P Projects aims to promote playful parenting to ensure the well-being of children and this learning resource is being shared outside Bhutan so that caregivers in the region and beyond have access to early stimulation tools, especially in the context of COVID-19-induced challenges in nurturing care and early childhood development. 

Prescription to Play (P2P) Advocacy Series 1. No.2

If you are concerned with the development of your child, talk to a health assistant. In Bhutan, health assistants (Has) use the Bhutan Child Development Screening Tool (BCDST) for the periodic screening of children from 2½ to 60 months covering developmental domains, such as physical development, communication/language, problem solving/cognition, and personal social development.  

The screening tool is part of the HA’s normal immunization and growth monitoring visits and provides information whether or not the child exhibits certain skills or behaviours within four areas of developmental domain based on the responses of parents or caregivers. The screening information becomes useful in developing a child-specific plan for caregivers in addition to other support or referrals necessary. 

For example, if the screening indicates a delay in the physical development of a baby under six months, the HA might recommend caregiver’s practice games like ‘Knock it down’ in addition to making a referral to a specialist or making an appointment for further monitoring, depending on the specific needs of the child. 

Prescription to Play Series Advocacy Series 1. No.3

How do caregivers help young children learn that things are still there even if they cannot see them? Learn how to play with them through age-appropriate activities like ‘Lift the cloth’, which is among the playful parenting tools from the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation. 

Prescription to Play Series Advocacy Series 1. No.4

One of the behavioural changes P2P would like to influence is to engage fathers and male caregivers in their children’s development through playful parenting practices. The Walk, Walk, Stop activity is among the playful parenting tools from the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation.

Prescription to Play Series Advocacy Series 1. No.5

What activity can be done by parents and caregivers to help develop babies’ attention span and vision?  The ‘Magic Bag’ containing a set of black and white cards, among others, is a resource that can be used for playing with 2-month old babies. This is among the playful parenting tools from the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation.

Prescription to Play Series Advocacy Series 1. No.6

How can caregivers read to children with disabilities? Read the activity from from the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation to learn how to make babies with disabilities strong and thrive in a playful family.

Prescription to Play Series Advocacy Series 1. No.7

Instead of punishing a child, learn how to be calm, explain to a child, and model the desired behaviour. This is called the calm, explain, and model technique, which is part of the positive parenting practices from the the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation.

Prescription to Play Series Advocacy Series 1. No.8

Why is it important to ensure the well-being of caregivers at all times and how do caregivers practice relaxation while taking care of their children and themselves?  Read this activity resource among the playful parenting tools from the Prescription to Play (P2P) project implemented by Save the Children in Bhutan with the support of The LEGO Foundation.

Click here for the full advocacy series.