[Webinar Documentation] Strengthening the early childhood workforce in the Asia-Pacific region

Strengthening the early childhood workforce: challenges and opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region

This webinar is brought to you by ARNEC and ECWI.

Evidence clearly shows the impact of early childhood workforce quality on young children’s learning and development outcomes. However, lack of professionals in this fielEvidence clearly shows the impact of early childhood workforce quality on young children’s learning and development outcomes. However, lack of professionals in this field (particularly in the low-middle income countries), lack of formal recognition, inadequate trainings and the absence of concrete standards in terms of qualifications, remunerations, and certification for the workforce, are among the critical areas of concern for ensuring good quality ECCE across the Asia-Pacific region.mechanisms/guidelines for training institutes.

Building on this urgent need to support and invest in early childhood workforce in the region, the Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC), being a part of global initiative i.e. Early Childhood Workforce Initiative, understands the significance to fa cilitate regional level dialogues among different stakeholders for making it a priority so that it leads to strengthening the early childhood workforce in the region.

This webinar aims to focus on understanding the current opportunities and challenges that we may need to address at the regional level, as we work towards this issue, while also sharing the key strategies/initiatives that may support the strengthening of early childhood workforce in the region.

Click here for the presentation slide deck. Click here to watch the recording of the webinar.

Type of document : Reports

Country : Region

Year of publication : 2022