ARNEC Resources

ARNEC Resources contains a wealth of documents pertaining to various programmes. This space will keep on growing. Browse through the library to access key publications.
Annual Reports
ARNEC Connections, ARNEC Conversations
Creative collaterals
Evidence/ Policy Briefs and Infographic
Multimedia (e.g. Videos, Presentations)
Year of publication
Type of document

Parents and community involvement in COVID-19 ECCD programs by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia

The COVID-19 ECCD program of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in Cambodia was designed to support the continuation of childr

2023 ARNEC Connections: Unleashing the power of playful parenting in support of early childhood development outcomes

This 2023 ARNEC Connections showcases a range of different approaches taken in the region to introduce playful parenting or play-based interactions in ECD progr

Project ARAL: Ensuring safe, loving, playful and responsive homes in the Philippines

Mariel Joy S.

Understanding home-based responsive caregiving practices in Maharashtra, India during COVID-19

Shivani Parashar writes about the adjustment to digital approaches in implementing the Responsive Caregiving Package (RCP).

Responsive playful parenting: strategic innovation on stunting prevention amidst COVID-19 in West Java, Indonesia

Fitriana Herarti of ChildFund Indonesia shares the evidence from the implementation of a pilot child stunting prevention program in West Java.