ARNEC Resources

ARNEC Resources contains a wealth of documents pertaining to various programmes. This space will keep on growing. Browse through the library to access key publications.
Annual Reports
ARNEC Connections, ARNEC Conversations
Creative collaterals
Evidence/ Policy Briefs and Infographic
Multimedia (e.g. Videos, Presentations)
Year of publication
Type of document

Exploring the impact of the BRAC Pashe Acchi model in Bangladesh

The BRAC Team led by Sakila Yesmin shares the evidence from the implementation of the Pashe Acchi model.

Guiding parents to play at home: Home-based ECCD program in the Philippines

Khara Uy and Edwin Taleon describes how the Home-based ECCD Program of the ECCD Council was adjusted to introduce responsive caregiving behaviours.

Integrating technology to improve distance learning opportunities and screening services for caregivers of 0-3 children in Bhutan during the COVID-19 pandemic

Karma Dyenka of Save the Children explains how technology was harnessed to improve distance learning for caregivers and health assistants and provide screening 

Playful parenting in a pandemic: pathways to scale for global programs

The LEGO Foundation shares insights on how it fostered program adjustment in Bhutan, Guatemala, Rwanda, Serbia, and Zambia

COP28 ECD Climate

A package of ECD-Climate resources for world leaders and advocates