ARNEC Resources

ARNEC Resources contains a wealth of documents pertaining to various programmes. This space will keep on growing. Browse through the library to access key publications.
Annual Reports
ARNEC Connections, ARNEC Conversations
Creative collaterals
Evidence/ Policy Briefs and Infographic
Multimedia (e.g. Videos, Presentations)
Year of publication
Type of document

Early Educators - A Practitioner's Journal. June 2024

A Call to Action: Air Pollution in Early Childhood

Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood Development (ARNEC) has partnered with Vital St

A Call to Action: Flooding and Early Childhood Development.

ARNEC has partnered with Vital Strategies to publish this advocacy brief to highlight the specific risk that flooding poses t

Smart Futures. Volume 2

Policy Brief: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for Early Childhood Development and Nurturing Care

Priority areas for policy consideration and development to support Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Nurturing Care (NC) in times of persistent and profound