ARNEC facilitates GISP webinars on parenting

ARNEC was the lead facilitator for the webinar series on evidence-based parenting in collaboration with the Global Initiative to Support Parents (GISP)

Published on : 25 Apr 2023

Advocacy : Responsive Caregiving and Playful Parenting

Organisation : ARNEC

ARNEC joins ECWI Initiative

ARNEC is pleased to join the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) and Results for Development in amplifying the voice and legitimacy of the early childhood workforce

Published on : 20 Apr 2023

Advocacy : Early Childhood Workforce

Organisation : ARNEC

Way forward: children at the centre of climate action

There are practical pathways at different levels for making children at the centre of climate action.

Published on : 21 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

Young children’s needs and voices matter in national resilience action

Mechanisms for prioritising young children’s needs and voices through their caregivers need to be put in place to make national resilience actions inclusive.

Published on : 18 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

Establishing a child-centred focus in climate policy development and planning necessary

While young children are often referred to as the most vulnerable community members within the climate change and environmental degradation context, such framing needs to change with emphasis shifting to seeing children as our most valuable community members.

Published on : 14 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

UNICEF: Gaps between climate policies and young children need to be addressed

Current climate change policies often do not refer to children at all, and if they do refer to children, said policies do not specifically differentiate between the developmental ages or stages (e.g., infancy, toddlers, pre-schoolers etc.).

Published on : 11 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

ECD is a key building block in sustainable development

While it is evident that children are disproportionately impacted by climate change and environmental degradation, in a multitude of ways, what is not clear is the differential impact on young children at distinctive stages of development. 

Published on : 10 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

The climate crisis impinges on children’s rights and wellbeing. Urgent action required

Young children bear the disproportionate impacts of climate change and environmental degradation (CC&ED). This brief illustrates the impact of CC&ED on children's well-being against the components of Nurturing Care Framework. 

Published on : 09 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

Young Children and Climate Change

On day 1 #COP27, we show how young children are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, but  also the most valuable group in the fight against it. We urge leaders at COP27 to recognise this in climate financing discussions! #ECD4Climateresilience #ourchildrenfuture

Watch the video via YouTube:

Published on : 07 Nov 2022

Advocacy : Clean, safe and sustainable environment

Organisation : ARNEC

Earth day 2022 - Our actions today shape our children’s future

22 April 2022 - On Earth Day we shine a light on how young children are...

Published on : 30 Aug 2022

Advocacy : Responsive Caregiving and Playful Parenting

Organisation : Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)